History of iron

History of Iron Evidence suggests that iron has been used since the last 5000 years. It is found everywhere across the world and it is the cheapest metal. Iron comes from minerals known as magnetite and hematite and it can also be found in other minerals like siderite, limonite and taconite. It is a wide […]

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Becoming a modern day fireman

Becoming a Modern Day Fireman What is a fireman? At first look this is quite a silly question and the answer to this, for most people is obvious, a fireman is someone who puts out fires. However, if you want to become a fireman today then you need to fully understand the modern day role […]

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Homeopathy programs today

Homeopathy Programs Today Today, homeopathy programs are not only offered as a stand-alone course, but as part of larger naturopathic medicine and Oriental medicine school curricula; however, if you are seriously considering a career in homeopathic medicine, you should first explore your professional opportunities in the field. For example, there are currently three States — […]

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How compare and contrast techniques can improve our life

How compare and contrast techniques can improve our life? In our modern world, we frequently compare and contrast several things, facts, theories, events or personalities. We have been comparing different economical, social and political systems for ages. How we develop this process? How this technique is achieved and perfected? It can be achieved by comparison/contrast […]

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Review of dragon genetics

Review of Dragon Genetics Piles and piles of research show that students learn better when they are fully and actively engaged in what they are learning, rather than attempting to passively absorb information. That is why good teachers in all subjects and at all levels find ways to get students fully involved. In science classes, […]

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Facts behind amber gemstone

Facts Behind Amber Gemstone The resin from the Pine trees dripped and oozed down into rocks and got fossilized to create amber. In Austria, Paleolithic man (45000 — 12000 B.C.) used this gem. Nomadic hunters from the Mesolithic age (12000 — 4000 B.C.) used this gem to hunt animals and carve their hunting seasons and […]

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Awareness evolution

Awareness Evolution It’s been mentioned that you can’t realize where you are or what is the place of your destination until you guess from what place you came. One can rest contentedly and impatiently about the year two thousand twelve or more as the pendulum is picking up pace starting to intersect into a new […]

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This enormous increase of population will create immense problems

This enormous increase of population will create immense problems The Japanese figures are the same as our own country in overall land—1.1 acres per person, but it is a very mountainous country with volcanoes, and so much less is cultivable. Less than a fifty of an acre—0.17 of an acre—is under cultivation. You see at […]

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