Traditional chinese new year food

Traditional Chinese New Year Food

Chinese New Year food is a big part of any new year celebration. In fact, the food is nothing less than central to the festivities. The Chinese New Year is similar to the Western one, but the differences are key. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays in the Chinese culture. Alternative names for it include the Spring Festival and the Lunar New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year takes place not on the first day of the first month of the year, as in the Western culture, but of the first lunar month. It lasts for about two weeks.

Now, back to the subject of food — it is indeed hugely important during this celebration. Foods which are considered lucky and fortuitous are served throughout the entire fifteen days. The qualifications for lucky or symbolic foods vary.

Sometimes, certain foods are served based on how they look. Entire chickens are popular because they symbolize togetherness among the family unit. When you serve an entire chicken during the celebration, it is assurance that the family will be together and stay together. This is something that all families want for the coming new year.

Noodles are another cuisine staple during the New Year. They are extremely important, and lots of symbolism and superstitions surround them. Noodles should always be served long and uncut. This symbolizes a long life. You can serve them any way you like — in soup, as a side dish, as a main course, or as an appetizer. Just make sure you do not cut them in half!

Other foods are significant during the New Year because of the way they sound. Literally, they are used because of the Chinese pronunciation of the word. Lettuce is a good example of this. In Cantonese, the word for it sounds fortuitous. Likewise, certain citrus fruits are served because the words for them sound like forebears of good fortune, such as «luck» and «wealth.»

Fish is symbolic in several ways, and thus is frequently served. One reason is because the word for it is «yu.» This word resembles the terms for «wish» and «abundance.» Both of those are good things to have on your side in the new year. Symbolically, serving the fish whole is good luck as well. When the head and tail are still attached, then the fish is a symbol for a good beginning and a good ending in the year ahead.

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