Things you will be asked to do during the police recruitment process

Things You Will Be Asked To Do During The Police Recruitment Process

Becoming a police officer is a very big thing. People look up to you in times of trouble. Your life is put on the line every time you step foot in that car. People have to listen to what you say. However, the demands are very consuming and becoming a police officer requires you to pass through the police recruitment process.

What does this entail?

Once you have passed police academy you are then looking for a job. That’s the hard part. Not just anyone off the street can become a police officer. We know we joke about rent cops, but trying to be one that is depended up on every day is hard work.

The first step of this process is to apply for the position. This means picking a station, reading what they expect of you, and then submitting your resume and application.

Once you have done this, you need to take the exam. This exam tests you on the knowledge of all that you have been taught. It’s quite a lengthy exam that has two parts. Once you take the first part, you are then told to go on a ride along to you get a first hand account of how things go, but then you come back and prep for the oral exam. This oral exam which is also part of the police recruitment process takes you in front of a board where they call the questions. Your job is to give them the answers.

Once you have taken this exam, it is then time to meet with the chief. At this point the chief gets a feel of if you are qualified to work in their department. If this is rightly so and you are a great candidate, then you are then asked as part of the police recruitment process to submit to having a background check. After all, we don’t need officers who are wanted themselves.

When this clears, as part of the next step of the police recruitment process, you need to be checked out. This means that you are evaluated on your health. This happens to include your mental and your physical health. If you pass both of those, then you are then waiting for if the chief decides to hire you. When he says you are hired that’s all there is to it.

Yes, this process is lengthy. Once you have completed all the portions of this process, you will wear the badge that holds you as a respected officer. The city in which you protect will look up to all you do. While you are going through this process think of the good that will come.

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