Learn english online

Learn English Online

The LCF websites for young learners cover a broad range of language skills.

Babelzone and Englishzone provide extensive interactive whiteboard resources for Teachers as well as being very suitable for students to use at home to support their language learning

Each site contains Phonics, Grammar, Games, Songs, Flashcards, Worksheets, Stories

Babelzone contains online resources to teach French or Spanish, lcfclubs.com/babelzonenew

Englishzone has online resources for both English for native speakers and as a second language, lcfclubs.com/englishzone

Visit lcfclubs.com for a wealth of resources to help you learn English, French or Spanish online, including phonics, grammar and pronunciation, along with sections on the basics of English, spelling and activities such as games, tests and quizzes. In addition there is an extensive Picture Bank section which uses pictures to demonstrate British culture, customs and traditions.

Phonics worksheets are available to download on both LCF Babelzone (French and Spanish) and LCF Englishzone. Phonics for kids is a tried and proven method for learning to read. Although English is not purely a phonetic language, phonics sounds are an important tool for beginners learning to read the language. Due to the effectiveness of phonics-based instruction, more public and private schools have emphasized phonics instruction in recent years. Parents who teach their children at home also frequently report satisfaction with instructional materials for phonics, and LCF phonics provide a fun way of learning through phonics games and songs and inspirational worksheets.
With LCF phonics worksheets, students practice learning vowels, beginning consonants, ending consonants and plurals, beginning blends, ending blends, consonant digraphs, long vowel sounds, R-controlled vowels, diphthongs, ph and gh, silent consonants, and more.
LCF Englishzone and Babelzone form a comprehensive teachers resource for K1 – K6 and support children learning English, French or Spanish online.

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