Student life in college: becoming a popular student

Student Life in College: Becoming a Popular Student

Students life is probably the best time in life of every person. During this period person experiences the most interesting and lively events. For most students it is very important to become a popular in the college. There are some useful prompts for fresh students to become popular at college: 1. Try to appreciate that the most significant value of college life is that you possess the chance to begin new life and correct all the mistakes that you have made earlier. Examine the causes of the disrespect and lack of popularity that you had during your studying at high school and be sure to avoid the same mistakes in future. 2. Try to demonstrate the confidence in your strengths. Moreover, try to avoid such behavior that can make an impression of you as a self -confident person. You have to be one. You should not provide a feeling of an egotistical person. 3. Remember about the first impression and try to present yourself in the best possible way. 4. Try to find as many friends as possible as the more friends you have the better. You can find many good people among these people. While introducing yourself, strive to be well bred but not gratifying; do not oblige yourself for other people from your surroundings. 5. Try to be active, attend all the events at college, take part in the activities and students organizations. You can become a member of basketball of football college team, tale part in different performances and plays, if you have certain skills. 6. The last very important prompt is being a good person with everybody. Try to help when you are asked, show you positive attitude to everybody and avoid rude and offensive words while communicating. Try to dress in a proper way, as you know that by the way person dresses one can judge her character and way of life.

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