Several dangers that are waiting for you in college

Several Dangers That Are Waiting For You in College

Don’t be afraid, these damages concern more social problems. But they are really serious. Students who live in campus think that they can do whatever they want without paying attention to what is good and what is not. Here the four damages that are waiting for you in university. Try to avoid all of them. • Laziness. Of course, it is really cool to spend all the night in a night club or at a party and then sleep to the afternoon. But at college you cannot afford it. You have to get up early and go on your classes, then you have to prepare your home task which usually not so easy and which takes a lot of time. Some students try to avoid vesting classes or preparing home work in order to have fun and to sleep enough; • Alcohol. Students in college think that they are already adults and they can do whatever they want. You can find alcohol at the majority of students’ parties. Young people think that this is cool to drink a lot and only after that to have fun. But they do not consider their terrible headache in the morning and disgusting smell from their mouths; • Drugs. Light drugs, such as weed, are very popular among students. It is considered the best way to relax and to have fun. Though this way is extremely dangerous to health, as it kills brain cells and your intellectual potential is getting lower and lower. Think, did you enter university to degrade? • Uncontrolled sexual behavior. Sex is cool, sex is great and many people like making love. Especially, when you are a young person full of hormones ready to be outpoured. It is dangerous, because you threaten your health, you can have undesired babies, you can catch a lot of serious diseases including HIV, even if you use condoms while sex. Condoms can break one day and you will get a lot of diseases and undesired pregnancy.

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