School fundraising software — going beyond the traditional campaign

School Fundraising Software — Going Beyond The Traditional Campaign

We all remember the long arduous days of selling gift wrap and candy door-to-door for a local school fundraiser, unsure if you were going to be able to raise enough money and get the «prize» you longed for. Those days have come and gone. Fundraisers have moved away from the door-to-door selling model and more towards non-traditional methods that prove to be more effective, efficient and successful.

Online Fundraising and Donations

The internet has played a tremendous role with charitable online shopping sites. These shopping sites allow parents and students to raise money for their school by making purchases online. The shopping site passes a portion of the commission to the shopper’s school of choice and allows parents, faculty, students, alumni and family to make online donations when purchasing items from their online student web store. These donations can be easily collected and tracked using the web or some type of school fundraising software.

Get Parents Involved

Involving parents and PTA members is critical to the overall success of the fundraiser. Parents have a wide network of colleagues and friends to spread the message much faster. Encourage parents to host a dinner auction at a local restaurant with all proceeds going to the school. Parents can also ask their employer for donations or even possible sponsorships.

Corporate Sponsorships

Imagine the food and drinks at Friday night’s football game sponsored by a local business. It’s a great way to involve the community and an even better way for the company to advertise to hundreds of prospective customers: parents. Ask a local business if they would sponsor promo items and sports giveaways. In exchange, you simply place their logo on the signage and other promotional pieces for instant advertising.

Rewards Programs

Visit your local supermarket regarding any rewards programs they may offer or participate in. Some grocery store chains offer a percentage towards the school of your choice or money back for receipts. And don’t forget to promote and advertise such programs to students, parents and family. Most grocery chains honor rewards program throughout the country, so what better way to get the grandparents involved from afar!

Go Green!

Help improve the environment while raising money for your school. There’s no need to print anymore. Instead send all communication through email and utilize your school management software. Get cash for trash, and teach students the importance of recycling!

? Recycle household items for cash: water bottles and aluminum cans

? Cash in your pennies: take your loose change to local grocery store redemption machines

? Cell phones and printer cartridges: Collect old cell phones, and used printer cartridges — many recycling companies pay anywhere from .50 cents to $5.50 for higher end cartridges

With today’s technologies, fundraising can be easier and more organized than ever before. Explore different web and school administration software programs, communicate with parents, encourage community involvement and talk to your local grocers about rewards programs. With all of these options, your next fundraiser is sure to be a success!

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