California school nutrition day of reckoning

California School Nutrition Day of Reckoning

Sometimes nutrition change is gradual, and sometimes it happens literally overnight. Very soon, the dietary habits and practices of California Public Schools will be forever changed. The change, which many are still unaware, or unprepared for, will take place July 7, 2007 when California Senate Bill 12 finally takes effect.

Overnight, foods which were allowed before, will be forever banned from public school campuses. This is truly a good thing in so many ways. The school districts will be forced to sever many gigantic contracts with fast food, candy and soda makers which were so awful for the students the districts were charged with nurturing. The aspect of nutrition and what it means to youth development, will finally begin to be taken seriously. Finally, the issue of youth obesity that rages out of control will finally be addressed. The only problem may be that many districts will be left scrambling for healthy fundraising solutions.

On July 1, 2007 California Senate Bill 12 will be implemented. This will require that all foods sold outside of school meal programs to high school and junior high students be approved for nutrition standards. In the past, any thing could be sold by groups with regard to fundraising or vending; this is all changing. That’s why seeking healthy fundraising solutions will be so important. According to California Senate Bill 12, foods regarded as snacks must contain no more than 35% of their calories from fat, 10% from saturated fat, no more than 35% sugar by weight and no more than 250 calories. The only exception to the aforementioned standards will be if the food items are sold off school premises or at least 30 minutes after the end of the school day or during a school sponsored event after the end of the school day.

This change will be huge as compliance with nutrition standards will no longer be a case of school or district policy, or even state wellness recommendations. Compliance with nutrition standards will now be the law of California, and those seeking to fundraise without healthy fundraising solutions will be breaking the law. If a California public school group, club, or team is selling candy or junk food in violation of California Senate Bill 12 on campus during the school day, that club leader or coach is causing them to break the law. This is why seeking healthy fundraising solutions is so important.

Sometimes laws emerge which are powerful and cause great change which is ultimately positive. This is one of those times. The implementation and compliance of California Senate Bill 12 will not be easy, but the effect will be a net gain for students, coaches and school administrators who seek out healthy fundraising solutions.

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