Weird insect organs

Weird Insect Organs

Insects are weird. They have strange appendages and body kits. Here is a list of the weirdest insect organs. From egg laying ovipositors to multi-layered compound eyes to triple gut digestive systems. These organs will bewilder you, amaze you and make your reel in horror at their foreignness.


This strange organ often used by animals, not only insects, is used in the laying of eggs. It consists of a number of appendages that are formed properly prepare and transmit an egg. For some it serves multiple purposes such as in wasps as a piercing organ, by grasshoppers to burrow in the earth to lay the egg, and by cicadas to pierce wood.

Compound eyes

Many insects have unique eyes known as compound eyes which are made up of thousands of small, individual photoreceptive units. Compound eyes give the viewer the ability to see a much larger view angle and thus can react quickly to movement. The downside of compound eyes is that the resolution is greatly decreased, it is said to see with a resolution comparable to our normal eyes, humans would have to have compound eyes the size of a average human head.

Digestive system

Insects have three different sections of digestion, broken up into the foregut, midgut and hindgut, which allows them to thouroughly digest and extract vital nutrients to survival. The foregut does the function of the human mouth, breaking down food with salivary glands and enzymes where it then proceedes to the midgut where the majority of the dissection takes place. The hindgut then breaks the food into fecal pellets.

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