Television vs

Television vs. Books

If we compare the energy used between watching television and reading books, the television definitely uses more power as it works with the presence of electricity. In fact, almost four percent of the energy used in a home is contributed by the exploit of television. And now almost every household feature at least one television set. Reading a book, nevertheless, does not require any usage of energy and can used repeated times without adding charges to electricity bill.

When it comes to pricing comparisons, bookworms are better off from the high expenditure. Although the prices of television sets have gone down drastically, the cost is still high for certain luxurious models. Accumulate the cost with the additional charges of satellite service and power bills it is no longer a mere figure. Despite the expensive prices of books, there are library facilities to enjoy free reading besides the ongoing used books exhibition where almost every book is affordable. It is also possible for book readers to exchange and share books among themselves to save cost.

Weighing the advantages of television and books, television gains the point when it comes to community building. It is a better information provider with the immediacy being highly dependable for people to gain news about the weather, local and foreign happenings and other ongoing issues. Besides, the television also offers better social benefits. It is said that the activity of watching television can create common dialogue in a home, as a form of bonding method among family or friends. In contrast, you can’t share a book you are reading with a group of people.

The books, however, are better for brain building. Television is often claimed to be a one-sided medium where there is not much outcome from the people. Reading can expand one’s imagination, stimulate a person’s thinking and can definitely leave deeper impressions than televisions. Thus we cannot deny the fact that bookworms are brainier.

As a conclusion, the culture of reading should be cultivated among youths although they should not be stopped from watching the television. In fact, moderate amount of both activities are the best for one’s brain growth.

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