Definition of the epistemology

Definition of the Epistemology

It is not very easy to understand the meaning of epistemology theory, because it is connected to a huge size and understanding of feminism. There exist three main points in feminism: empiricist, feminist itself, and postmodern. And now we are going to discuss a bit all of these three categories. The first one – empiricist – is connected with objective knowledge and everything concerning empirical scientific work. It is also about uniting scientific projects and constantly reforming science and knowledge group from within, way it is proved. But the second one – postmodernism – is a contrary to previous two – a categorical absence of empiricism, and absolute presence of scientific searching.

And here it is, the golden middle – standpoint feminism – female world evaluation based on their experience. Female morals are exclusive, very different from male ones, which are dominated nowadays in different field of science.

The appearance of standpoint theory is noticed in 1960 – 1970s, and the basic ideas which women had settled were to comprehend and to clarify our social word from the women’s point of view and to find the signs of andocentrism in social science. This very theory was created in order to develop “intellectual freedom for women” in aggressive, unsympathetic and male-oriented society.

After the establishing of feminist theory, a lot of perspectives were initiated such as: existence of minority clusters – women of color, and the appearance of confidential vantage point.

Against all those actions concerning epistemology social and orthodox scientists answered in clear male way, saying that such kinds of actions produced by female movement were objective. Well, the andocentric orthodox rationalization of the word was great and male point of view rested the main. Even the fact, that new theory was andocentric, but male-oriented, the presence of women had no opportunity to create some changes.

Presence of men in all spheres of life is so spread that even participation of women in different processes could not change anything

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