Exam objectives

000-061 Exam Objectives

000-061 exam is regarded as one of the most favourite IBM Certifications. Many IT professionals prefer to add exam 000-061 among their credentials. The certification strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. Hiexam not only caters you all the information regarding the exam 000-061 but also provides you the excellent 000-061 exam questions which makes the certification exam easy for you.

000-061 Exam Topics:Apply Information / Installation Planning / Migration Considerations
Create accurate project plan with time line including configuration for hardware; identify software, services and other resources based upon the needs and expectations of the customer. Consider physical site requirements. Identify roles and responsibilities for team members
Identify areas of risk, discuss with customer, relevant business partner(s), and IBM team.
Create a mutually developed implementation plan with the customer.
Establish mutually agreed post installation support plan.
Document customer expectations
Establish metrics
Document performance expectations
Describe and perform Solution Assurance Review using SAPR process.

000-061 Exam
IBM Dynamic Infrastructure Technical Support Leader
Exam Number/Code : 000-061
Exam Name : IBM Dynamic Infrastructure Technical Support Leader
Questions and Answers : 83 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-20
000-061 Price: $ 60.00

4. You are planning the installation of a DS8100. The customer has IBM, HP and Sun servers which are to be attached to the DS8100. You need to ensure the host servers are supported with the DS8100.
Which of the following addresses this issue?
A. consult the appropriate DS8000 Interoperability Matrix.
B. review the most recent DS8100 Announcement Letter.
C. call +1-800-IBM-SERV and ask for the latest list of supported host servers.
D. contact your sales team
Answer: A

5. The journey to Dynamic Infrastructure begins with establishing a new economic foundation in the current environment. Your customer wants to continue the journey and believes he is in the second stage of adoption of Dynamic Infrastructure, the SHARED stage.
Which of the following indicates they are at the SHARED stage?
A. Management systems are simplified by breaking down silos of similar management tools and deploying end-to-end systems and network management tools, which lead to the simplification of data center management.
B. Infrastructure and services are deployed with highly virtualized resource pools, optimized networks, automated service management, and an underlying energy efficient design that supports expansion and transformation.
C. Groups of compatible systems that can scale efficiently and quickly are grouped together to allow business goals to drive IT.
D. Steps include virtualization and consolidation of data centers and physical infrastructure including storage, servers. The data center becomes more resilient and secure.
Answer: B

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