Clovis and clotilde — birth of christianity in france was a love story

Clovis and Clotilde — Birth of Christianity in France Was a Love Story

Birth of Christianity in France…

was a love story.

Don’t believe that the events which upset the History must always begin with serious causes.

More than one king fought the war because he fell in love with some lady or conquered an country because he loved a woman who was living there.

A woman is hidden behind each great character. The women are constantly present in the History: they made the kings, offered their crown to them or made them lose it. They encouraged kings to conquer countries, destroy cities, build castles, appreciat artists…

During the Vth century, France was still a Barbarian country. The worship of several Gods was its people religion at that time. Christianity had not joined us yet.

In the year 492, Clovis, 25 years old, King of the Franks, was looking for his second wife — his first wive was a Scandinavian woman — his embassadors were seeking through Europe the most beautiful woman.

At these times, an important character did not that himself.

The idea of the beauty being a personal appreciation, we wonder whether if indeed Clotilde was beautiful, but the continuation of the story will prove that the King of Barbarians fell in love with her.

Clovis emissaries found «the most beautiful woman in the world»: Clotilde, Chilperic’s daughter, King of Burgondes which reigned in Lyon before being assassinated by his brother Gondebaud, King of Dijon.

Clotilde was 18 years old when she was distinguished by the embassadors. Clovis charged his friend Aurelius to obtain Clotilde and Gondebaud’s assent. Clotilde accepted immediately. Gondebaud was shocked but didn’t refuse.

Thus Clotilde and the objects constituting her dowry went away towards Clotilde’s fiance.

The run wasn’t calm: Gondebaud having meanwhile changed his opinion, he wanted his niece returns and the poor one, to escape to him, had to give up her dowry, jump on a horse and leave the limits of Burgondie.

Once arrived, she married Clovis who, apparently, didn’t like to wait.

Clotilde, helped by Saint-Remi, wanted to convert Clovis to Christianity. He adored the Barbarian Gods, disavowing his fathers Gods was a great risk for him and his authority.

Indeed, Barbarians were descendants of the Gods and to convert to Christianity was deprive himself of his right to reign. However, Clotilde obtained that their first child, Ingomir, received the baptism.

Unfortunately, the baby died a few days later and Clovis blamed it on the Christian religion. Their second child, Clodomir, was also baptized according to the Christian rite.

Clovis agreed to convert and in Christmas day of the year 496 accepted the baptism in Rheims. This conversion had very important consequences in the Gallic policy. Clovis was recognized as chief by millons catholics in Gaule.

Thus was born the dynasty from «Catholics Kings». And it is thanks to Clotilde, a woman. Without his love for her, Clovis had never converted.

After the conquest of the Visigoths, Clovis and Clotilde settled in Paris and made their capital of this town.

Clovis died november 27th in the year 511 and Clotilde retired in Tours, at the time of her widowhood and died in the year 545.

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