Who invented fireworks

Who Invented Fireworks

Fireworks have existed for several thousand years. Many historians believe that the Chinese are credited with the invented of fireworks over 2000 to 2500 years back. The early fireworks were discovered by accident by these ancient people when bamboo sticks exploded in their camp fires.

These people were so much frightened by the sounds of explosion that they thought the gods were angry with them. However it was soon discovered that that the green bamboo always exploded. The priests of that time had quickly guessed that if people were afraid of the noise then the evil spirits would also be who came out from their hiding places at night.

Chinese alchemists were stumbled on chemicals that could be burnt quickly releasing great amount of light and smoke, they would sometimes explode with tremendous force. This led to the invention of fireworks as they are known today. In addition, gunpowder was also invented which the Chinese artillery used to damage the enemy forces and their defensive walls.

Invention of fireworks similar to what is known today really happened after Marco Polo returned to Europe from Kublai Khan’s court. The Europe, the military scientists were mainly interested in fireworks and wanted to develop cannons. Chinese fireworks having fins that fired into the air were considered not useful but playful, although they were the forerunners of the rockets of today.

Italians in the renaissance period for the first time had properly developed the fireworks of different colors when they exploded in the air. These were colors of compounds. However the Italians successfully invented fireworks of gold and silver.

The very first written record of fireworks for solely recreation use still in demand today by firework makers was credited to French named Amedee-Francois Frezier in 1706. The early Chinese historians and poets wrote regarding the use of fireworks in social events and Chinese festivals.

Recent displays of fireworks for public and different fireworks such as Willows, Peonies, Spiders, Rings, Cakes, Roman and Candles can be claimed to be an invention of any particular person since most of the firework makers compete with each other for the biggest and brightest explosions and they all borrow ideas of each other.

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