There's money to help you attend college

There's Money to Help You Attend College

For many people, a bright future starts with good education. President Obama is a good example, and he has shown his commitment to helping others. Scholarships and grants are only a small part of the education system makeover. Although the economy has dramatically fallen, college prices have continued to rise for many years. College costs can really add up especially when money for things besides tuition and housing is considered. Many young adults choose to forgo college because of the cost. A large number of these people are working mothers. To put more educated minds in the workforce and ensure that families are cared for, it’s important to educate moms. More scholarships for single moms is one way to improve the situation. Because of his efforts many people now refer to Federal Pell Grants as Obama grants. To help with university costs, a student can earn more than $5,000. This is over $1,000 above the previous maximum, and it’s a big help to moms who want to return to school. The scholarship money covers practically all school-related expenses. The American Opportunity Tax Credit is also a very valuable program. This program allows the first $4,000 of education expenses to be free. This $4,000 write off can be a big help to many students. Since many single working mothers have low incomes, these programs are a major help. There are almost no restrictions on where and what a student studies. With more incentives, more ambitious adults will realize their goal to get a college degree. The President has demonstrated that he considers this issue a priority. With the recent passage of the economic stimulus plan, a lot of college loans will be offered by the government. Preparing schools and students for success is an important Obama administration mission. Another goal is to encourage more students to attend community colleges. A 2-year degree or the time spent learning a technical school from a community college can be a tremendous asset. In 2007 Obama stated, «We need to put a college education within reach of every American. That’s the best investment we can make in our future.» The President has shown a good effort to support his words through action. Grants for moms are just a small but vital part of the education mission. Traditional and non-traditional students alike have numerous opportunities to put their education first.

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