Teaching and learning

Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning

The elementary teacher, as one of the great influences to the children, serves as a model for the pupils in putting up strong foundation of education on the mind of the child, particularly in imparting knowledge and helping them develop the skills, abilities and talents of the children.

As a member of the teaching profession, a teacher is skilled in the performance of his work which is concerned with the dissemination of knowledge. If education is the transfer of man’s accumulated knowledge through the years, then it is the teacher’s responsibility to transmit skills well without sacrificing quality.

Molding the youth is the foremost concern and commitment of the teacher. Education gives capacity to achieve goals and lifestyles and creates capacity to survive the crisis

Formal education is based on the premise that the learning process can be directed and facilitated. Such direction and facilitation of learning, however, is not a simple task. Unless a teacher has a clear knowledge and understanding of this process, he will find it difficult to set the conditions that will facilitate learning process on the part of the learners. A teacher needs to understand also the psychological principles, theories, and laws relating to learning.

To make children prepare for the next level of education which is more complex, different methods of teaching play a big part on the old as well as new teachers to make teaching effective and learning to take place. Finding various teaching techniques and considering the teacher’s experience, is part of the usage of teaching method to make teaching and learning effective.

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