Spss help online

SPSS Help Online

SPSS is the most widely utilized software programs to analyze data. SPSS is organized on base software for example, basic statistical procedures such as frequencies, t-test, linear regression, means, nonparametric, ANOVA, factor analysis, and so on with extra add-on modules example multivariate models, regression models, classification trees, and so on. SPSS is measured by some to be user-friendly as it uses pull-down menus as an alternative of command syntax like SAS

SPSS for Windows has similar general look a sense of most other programs for Windows. Almost any statistic that you want to perform can be achieved in arrangement with pointing and clicking on menus and different interactive boxes. You might have noted that examples in the Howell text are performed and analyzed by code. That is, programming short scripts, in place of pointing and clicking, will access SPSS, like lots of other packages.

Presumably, SPSS is by now installed on your PC. If you do not have shortcut on your PC go to [Start => Programs] menu and create by clicking on SPSS icon. In this point and click surroundings one has to navigate through numerous layers of the menu items prior encountering the necessary option. The prescribed assignment was to place the SPSS icon in [Start] menu configuration. To go to that icon, one has to click on [Start] then move your pointer to the [Programs] selection, before locating SPSS icon. This series of events can be expressed by typing [Start => Programs]. One must move from outer layer of the menu configuration to some internal layer in series.

There are number of menu options connecting to statistics, on menu bar. There are as well shortcut icons on toolbar. These provide quick access to used options. Keeping your mouse on one of these icons for sometime will result in the short function for that icon. The existing display is of empty data sheet. Obviously, data can be entered physically, or can be read from existing data file.

Browsing file menu reveals nothing very surprising — lots of options are well known. Though, the details are exact to SPSS. For instance, [New] option is used to state the type of the window to open. Various options, under [New] heading are,

Data: — The Default window with blank data sheet set for analyses.

Syntax — One can mark scripts like those there in Howell text, in place of using menus.

Output — Whenever a process is run, the out is aimed at a separate window. One can as well have numerous output windows open to systematize the different analyses that can be conducted. Afterward, these results can also be saved or printed.

Script — This window gives the opportunity to write down full-blown programs, in BASIC language. These programs have an entry to functions, which frame SPSS. With this access it is likely to write user defined actions, which is not the part of SPSS by taking benefit of the SPSS functions. Again, this is away from the scope of this lesson.

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