Scholarship for single mothers with donohue and young single parent scholarship

Scholarship For Single Mothers With Donohue And Young Single Parent Scholarship

If you’re looking for a scholarship for single mothers, you can apply at Mary Jane Young Undergraduate Scholarship. Since the awards can vary every year, you should submit your application before the deadline. With the $1,500 scholarship money, the burden of single mothers can be reduced considerably.

Like any other scholarships, you should qualify. You should be a re-entry single mother and a full time undergrad. Aside from that, you should be enrolling at MSU (Minnesota State University) and should have prior 30 credits completion or perhaps transfer credits. The scholarship form is printable, and once you’ve printed it out, you can now fill out all the required information.
You should also write an essay. In the essay, you need to discuss how such scholarship can help you financially. You should also mention your goals and the reasons or reasons why you want to pursue your college education.
Talk to at least 2 faculty members at MSU and get recommendation letters. Don’t forget to secure copy of your transcript in college. This will serve as proof of your previous credits earned.
You can be at an advantage if you’re a resident of Minnesota and you’re enrolled at MSU. This is great news to all single mothers in Minnesota, who wants to improve their financial situation. You may find it hard at first but with time management and determination, you can do it.
Aside from the scholarship above, you can also apply for the Coplan Donohue Single Parent Scholarship. However, the scholarship amount is lower, $1,000. You should submit your application by April 1st.
You should be a single parent, committed to parenting, full time undergraduate, with academic excellence, prior 30 credits completion, and a citizen of the United States. Like the Mary Jane Young Scholarship, you can also print out the form and fill it out. You will also need 3 reference letters and a copy of the transcript.
Apply for a scholarship for single mothers now. You can apply for both scholarships. As long as you’re eligible, your application will be accepted and hopefully, you can be chosen as one of the recipients.

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