Reasonable statements

Reasonable Statements

Reasonable statements unlike the a priori statements are those which are the consequence of a logical deduction from several other statements (a priori and /or reasonable statements). The truth value of a reasonable statement depends on the validity of the logical deduction as well as on the truth value of the premise statements.

At first blush, the irrefutability of a priori statements might appear to be a form of intellectual escapism. If we look closer, however, we will see the absolute necessity of recognizing such statements. There exists neither system of thought nor method of research, which does not eventually find itself opposed by at least one statement that has no more primary premise. If we reject these statements, then we deprived ourselves of the right to regard any of our conclusions as valid.

However, we should be very careful in positing statements that are a priori. There are only two categories of a priori statements, they are mathematical and epistemological. The rest of statements are reasonable statements owing to the fact that they depend on the premise of our epistemology.

Any statement that is not a priori must take account of the grounds on which the statement may be considered false, even if such grounds are purely theoretical. If the statement is shaped in such a way that there are no possible grounds for its falsification or, if it is formed in such a way as to reject consideration of the single possible grounds, then the statement has no meaning. This statement concerning falsification and meaning is a priori and consequently can not be proven. However, it can be assessed by its accordance to reality.

For instance, the statement “An illustrated book about birds” makes no claim of fact, the false of it can not be proven and it is meaningless. “I have an illustrated book about birds” gives the grounds on which the statement may be proven false, for I might not in actual fact have such a book. Since the grounds for the falsification is contained by the statement itself, it is meaningful.

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