Pros and cons of different professions: being a programmer

Pros and Cons of Different Professions: Being a Programmer

If one has a look at the list of professions and occupations that are very popular today, he/she will see that programmers are of high demand in the labor market. This profession is very interesting as it provides with the great opportunities and challenges. As any other profession, it has its own pros and cons. If you decided to choose this profession you have to keep in mind both its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Possessing computer skills. Nowadays, in the world of modern technologies and progress, it is impossible to imagine our life without computers, as every job requires some skills of working with computers. Profession of the programmer is very useful in this sense, as it gives the opportunity to master and improve such skills day after day.
  • Awareness of modern technologies. Being a programmer gives an opportunity to be aware of the latest news of the world of modern technologies.
  • Access to Internet. Being a programmer means that you are able to have a constant access to the Internet. Internet is the best source of any information.
  • Demand. Programmer is a profession that is of constant demand. If you are a good expert, make sure to find job without problems.


  • Tiredness. The main disadvantage of this profession is high level of tiredness. Sitting before the computer every day is very hazardous for the eyes and may result in different eye problems that are very difficult to cure.
  • Responsibility. It goes without saying that computers and other equipment is very expensive and programmers are responsible for it. Moreover, the least mistake can lead to a huge problem and spoiling of expensive materials and equipment.
  • Stress. This con is common for practically every profession. In this case, stress can be the result of the excessive tiredness and tonicity. Moreover, the working environment and surrounding can be negative.
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