Parents play a big role in a child’s career choice

Parents Play A Big Role In A Child’S Career Choice

Parenting is an incredible hassle and to some, when their children become high school graduates, they feel that their freedom is back and guaranteed.

Although it seems like they are all grown up and prepared for the world challenges, they are still big babies.

Collage life is even more taxing because they would have to examine the person inside to realize what careers they would like to pursue.

But in my view, career advice and direction is something that should start early in a child’s life so as by the time they get to high school, they already know what subjects they need to select and work hard on.

For most parents, teenagers are complete bother and they are better of locked in boarding schools until the schools holidays.

Additionally, when they come home for vacations, such parents prefer paying for tuition for them or take them to visit friends and relatives away from home.

They do not stop and question their actions when the children are home or why they have to save up handsomely for their college education.

When kids are away from school, it is much wiser for parents to grab the opportunity to find out their progress in school as well as probing their minds to know what they would love to do when they graduate.

The teenager who practice drug trafficking and abuse, become alcohol addicts, are caught up in crimes do it because they have too much time and energy they do not know how to use substantially.

Sending them to another school in holidays is good, but only when you make them understand how that will help in developing the career lives later on.

You see at times students  may hate school depending on the system in place for a particular country.

Take for example schools that allow only a few days vacation for the students while the rest are meant for books, may seem like some sort of a detention center to the students.

After such student graduate from high school, they may feel as if the days of liberation has also come, meaning that they were in school because their parents said so and not to build their future careers.

Additionally, a parent who starts career guidance for a student like this one after he or she has found new freedom may only keep on lecturing advices that hardly sink in their perplexed minds.

There is nothing as humiliating as handling a rebellious child who thinks they know better that everyone else.

Parenting is needed at this time of confusion more than ever instead of leaving children to lead their own lives as they please.

This is the reason why parents who feel frustrated by the outcome of their children’s lives should acknowledge their own failures in giving them direction and confidence in chasing their dream careers.

It is never late to give counsel to your child even though the damage could al ready be done in his or her life if he or she failed to graduate with good grades.
The state of bewilderment in many youths today shows that they could be experiencing conflicts about self-identity and career choices.

It is not every body who dreams of going to the university and such people have options they find matching their abilities and interests.

All a parent can do is listen and understand their children as well as giving their own points of view but not coerce them to fulfill their own dreams, for children are different beings from their mothers and fathers.

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