Obama grants to benefit moms seeking education

Obama Grants to Benefit Moms Seeking Education

Mothers who have had to give up education or their career to raise their family can benefit from government grants if they would like to return to school. President Barack Obama wants to see these women back in the classroom and eventually in the workforce so that they are not living at or below the poverty level.

The Federal Pell Grant is available in the form of a $5,500 scholarship. This is an increase of at least $200 since Obama took office. Moms might be worried that they might not have the time or money to go back to school, but these government grants make the decision easier to make. Since the funding is a government grant, it does not need to be paid back. As far as busy schedules go, the education can be completed online, which frees up time that would be spent commuting to and from the classroom.

If you find you are not eligible for the Pell grant, there is other funding available. There are $10,000 scholarships these moms can apply for. It is important to act now because the aid will not be around forever. If you are wondering how going back to school will benefit you, there are a variety of ways. Everyone has a career field they have always dreamed about entering. Now is the opportunity to get started. Funding is your ticket to do so. Just think about your first day on the job in that field you daydream about, or even just think about that diploma hanging up on your wall, and how proud your family will be when you make that achievement.

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