Nlp accelerated learning techniques for guitar

NLP Accelerated Learning Techniques For Guitar

This article is about exploring the link between NLP Accelerated Learning Techniques and learning to play the guitar.

Playing a guitar requires the application of knowledge and skills in a real time environment. As such it is a great situation to develop NLP and Accelerated Learning skills.

To play the guitar you need to be able to put your fingers in the right places at the right time. But before you have got to that point you need to be able to translate the dots and lines on a sheet of music to those positions on the guitar. Or, if you are improvising listen to what the rest of your band are doing and translate that to the most appropriate places to put your fingers on the guitar…all in real time with no opportunity to pause for thought.

There are many ideas floating around about music. Many are not helpful for people learning to play. These include reading music is complex, you have to have talent and playing an instrument is hard.

Deliberately braking down limiting beliefs whilst building up new and empowering ones is a great way of starting with music. A classic example of this is Duncan Lorien’s powerful Understanding of Music Seminar. Duncan has built in to the course ways of challenging old beliefs and installing those beliefs that make learning music much easier.

Practice routines are another area worth looking at. It is only PERFECT practice that makes perfect, so finding the right drills is important. Being stretched and challenged is great so long as it does not lead to hesitation and stumbling.

Perhaps a typical situation for a guitarist is finding a small section of a new piece of music they are learning that causes them trouble. Usually they will over practice that sections until it is perfect and then have difficulty putting it back into the whole piece. Along with this they might criticise themselves and install unhelpful beliefs and emotions about that part of the piece of music and their ability to play it.

You could take the difficult section and turn it into a series of finger exercises playing at different speeds, frets and keys…even different fingers. All of a sudden you have taken a problem and turned it into a routine for developing your muscle memory and flexibility. Celebrating this would be a true NLP Accelerated Learning approach.

On the Understanding of Music Seminar you get 100 ten minute guitar lessons that have been specifically designed to stretch every area of your playing but still be achievable. The brilliance of this is it only tasks ten minutes a day to dramatically improve you ability if you know what and how to practice. A good NLP Training Course will show you all the right accelerated learning techniques to be able to devise this approach for any context. Seeing a complex application and having a skilled tutor such as Duncan Lorien showing you how to apply these techniques is a great way to not only learn to play guitar but also how to learn.

Developing good practice routines and developing empowering beliefs are just two factors in developing skills using accelerated learning. The best way of understanding how to do this effectively is to invest in a good NLP Training Course.

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