My thoughts on student counselling
My Thoughts On Student Counselling
Student’s current personality profile: It is of utmost importance to know what the student’s current personality profile is, before the counsellor starts the counselling process, be it a Career oriented counselling, or a Personality development counselling or Counselling to achieve Success in Life which is my Online counselling objective is.
Every student is a different personality. The student’s current personality is a combined result of following:
1) The Parents: Parents are the first Gurus of any child. Their behaviour, their attitude, their Personality, their way of handling different situations have a deep impact on the child. The child start imitating the parents especially the female child imitates mother and male child imitates father. The parents has a major role to play in the overall «Personality development» process of the child.
2) The environment: The environment in which the child is brought up plays a major role in polishing the student. The environment consists of :
a. The residing place neighbourhood of the student.
b. The school in which the student spends most of his time in childhood and the teaching faculty the child interacts in the school.
c. The other places where the student often goes eg. The coaching classes for his extracurricular and co curricular activities.
d. Family functions, week end get-togethers and parties, etc in which he interacts with his relatives, etc.
3) Some strong incidences: Every student’s personality gets moulded by each strong incidence the student and /or family undergo. Such incidence has a major impact on the child’s spiritual thinking and the child starts taking strong positions as a result of his/her experiences of the world during such strong incidences.
4) The media: Nowadays media to which the child is exposed to has achieved the prime importance in the overall development of the child. The movies the child watch ,the programmes the child watch especially on Television / videos or listen on radios produces a very deep impact on the child’s mind. This impact unknowingly starts impacting the process of child’s «personality development» without knowledge and also without much control of parents / teachers. 5) The Internet: I specifically did not mention the reading material in the media discussion above because nowadays the reading habits of students has been taken over by their browsing habits. The in-depth reading is slowly disappearing and more and more students are now spending their valuable time on internet browsing for what their current requirement is. Very few % of students read the downloaded content and try to understand it thoroughly.
(I will be using a male student personality to explain my thoughts further, but they are equally applicable to female students also)
Now there is an old saying «The lizard run is up to the fence only», meaning one can progress only within his boundaries. It is very difficult for an ordinarily person to think beyond his personality boundaries. These boundaries within which an individual’s Personality development takes place right from the childhood are obviously a result of the combination of above mentioned factors. Hence if the student wants to improve his life style and go beyond the boundaries, there have to be conscious efforts on his part to change above factors towards betterment. The student cannot change his Parents and the environment around him in which he spends most of his time. Also he can’t escape the impacts resulting from some strong incidences in his life. During initial period when he is not yet started taking his own decisions even the choice of media programmes and internet browsing etc is not meticulously selected by him. Due to all this his Personality Development starts taking place without him being aware of the impacts of such non directional Personality Development. The student slowly starts getting converted into a Man and normally process of adolescence usually coincides when he enters Higher Secondary schooling i.e. 8th std or equivalent and during which his average age is 13/ 14 yrs. During this period he starts taking his own decisions or rather he starts taking positions in life. Hence my site http://www.yesiwill , which is a motivational / online counselling site, is designed keeping in mind this age and hence it is suitable for students from 8th std onwards up to Post graduation level. The counselling’s theme is to achieve Success in life irrespective of career chosen by him. And the counselling suggestions are aimed at his overall «Personality Development», which he need to follow with full understanding so that there is a sustainable positive shift in him to make him a successful professional in whatever career chosen by him. The aim is that the student should shine and develop a winning habit in him.