Mtv reality television project focusing on the student life

MTV Reality Television Project Focusing on The Student Life

Disillusionment of the freshmen Facing the reality of life at college many freshmen are disappointed and disillusioned. Having watched numerous Hollywood movies, they are assured that all the students are in clover. But the realities of the study process and life at campus may fail to come up to their expectations. The movies skip some important episodes of the student life, focusing on parties, clubs, and careless time destination. The life of real students consists of highs and lows. Some of the disillusioned freshmen have a distorted idea of their future at college. They are not ready for the everyday working routine, and pressure of the teachers, and older students. The first experience of freedom may appear to be rather bitter for them. The moral strength is required for meeting the challenges and struggling against the difficulties. MTV project With the purpose of illuminating the hidden sides of college life MTV handed cameras to several real students. The project is aimed at involving the spectacles in the life of the student community and viewing this life through the eyes of the young people. This program is not only entertaining but educating as well, preparing the would-be students to the difficulties and pressures of life at campus. It is one of the real television projects; it means that the presentation of reality is uncensored. The advantages of the project are • educative character; • realistic manner of presentation; • lack of censorship. The fact is that not all students were aware of their participating in the project. It increased the plausibility of the episodes and conversations. It appeared to be that the present day students experience numerous types of pressure in their everyday life. The college community differs from the community of schoolchildren. It resembles a small project of the adults’ world. Raising the questions of the student problems MTV prepares the would-be student for the challenges of the campus life. It does not mean that they are to be afraid of them. The school leavers are to be aware of the challenges they are to meet in the nearest future.

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