Modeling of the universe formed of two distinct spacetime structures and formation of black hole for electron

Modeling of the Universe Formed of Two Distinct Spacetime Structures and Formation of Black Hole for Electron

10) Conclusion

The witnesses tell us that our universe should have two kind structures. Studying the manner of small particles like electron, we will understand that it is not possible to conceptualize the formation of universe elements only in a single spacetime; because there is an extra unwanted world that is beyond of matter in which the behaviour of particles are similar to those of familiar ones, but in different form of fundamental equations. The matter’s spacetime is a distinct structure should be joined with another distinct structure to prove observed states. Hence definition of this mathematics is very significant that involve studying a lot. In this paper the assumptions are based on how objects like pharoses treat. Here electrons play the role of pharos, but can develop easily our concepts to other elementary particles like proton & neutron. Therefore proving this principle, there is no any critical problem to introduce favourable universe. The only thing remains is examining the losses to develop the concepts to define the actual form of universe we can’t live very long in.

11) References

1) Gengyun Li, what is the electron spins? , Spin Publishing, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA, 2003,

2) Quantum Quandaries: A Category-Theoretic Perspective, John C. Baez, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside, California 92521,USA, 2004

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