Meeting with engles

Meeting With Engles

In 1844 Marx met a man who could change all his life and shared with him his political views. Moving to England this man met Marx in Cologne in the place of work of the Rheinische Zeitung. This man was Friedrich Engles. Both men had the same philosophic views, based on the teachings of German philosophic school. They came to the same conclusions. Marx supported the idea of struggle, based on the ideas and events of French revolution, Engles developed his views on the basis of English Industry.

Friedrich Engles was born in the Rhine Province of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1820. He had the same views as Marx as he was the supporter of the German philosophy of Hegel and followed the works of Hegel. These similar features of life and opinions formed the relationships that lasted till the end of their lives. They both wrote a lot of works, describing their life philosophy and contributed to each other works. Moreover they wrote many works together. They were similar not only in background, but also in ideas. Both of them believed that the proletariat is the only means for struggle against bourgeois society. Marx and Engles had the same ideas, but they had different ways of the solution. The difference between them was that Marx was the supporter of practical decisions, when Engles tried to propose some theoretical solutions, using his mind and imagination.

As for Marx, he preferred to use historical research to resolve the problem, while Engles used his imagination to find the solution. These differences completed each other decisions. Marx and Engles wrote their common work, based on the ideas of class struggle, the communist manifesto. This work was the most popular among proletariat, but at the same time it brought a lot of problems with the government.

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