Mba interview secrets — tips for acing that mba interview and beating out the competition

Mba Interview Secrets — Tips For Acing That Mba Interview And Beating Out The Competition

Getting into a top MBA program can be quite a challenge. And chances are that you’re not thinking about getting into just any old program either. You want a top notch program. Read on to discover a key strategy that will help you ace that MBA interview and get into the MBA program of choice.

Of course there is a lot of work involved when it comes to getting into a top MBA program. I bet you’re probably putting in a lot of effort into scoring good grades and especially good MCAT results. And then you’ll need letters of recommendation and an impressive resume.

That’s very helpful, for obvious reasons, but there’s something else that’s important. Those good grades and those impressive MCAT scores may help you get an interview, but it’ll actually be the MBA interview itself that will make or break your chances of actually getting in.

So what will it take to do well in the interview.

Here are a few tips:

1) They want students that will make them look good.

Remember that at all times. This is the key to getting into the program. Long after you have graduated, you’ll still be part of the program. If you do well, you’ll be one of their success stories. And they want as many of those as possible.

So whatever you do, you need to focus on what it would take to do well in the program.

Then do those things.

2) They want students who really want to be in THEIR program.

There’s nothing more demoralizing than having a student who’d rather be somewhere else. And since MBA programs have their pick of applicants, they will pick those who really want to be there.

So if you want to be among the top picks, research your prospective program and figure out as many solid reasons as possible why THIS is the program you really want to be part of.

3) Show commitment before they even admit you.

One way to do that is to visit their campus to check out the facilities, meet some of the faculty members and students there, and even attend a class or two.

It shows you’re really enthusiastic about their school, and it will put you on the short list of applicants once you actually apply and write about how much you enjoyed your visit and that you really, really hope that you’ll be accepted because you’re so looking forward to being part of their program.

4) How all of this will help you in your interview?

Once you get invited to the interview, you will benefit greatly from keeping all of the above in mind, and from having visited their campus before.

Remember, they want students who will be successful. So do what you can to demonstrate your commitment. Show them how well you’ll fit into their program and how much you’re looking forward to your time there.

And say a few nice things about your visit. What impressed you the most? Who do you want to study with? You get the idea. The fact that you have visited their program will make your enthusiasm all the more credible.

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