Many high school students are utilizing clep tests to earn college

Many High School Students Are Utilizing Clep Tests To Earn College

There a many reasons why today’s high school students are utilizing the CLEP test to earn college credit. What is CLEP? CLEP is an acronym referring to the College-Level Examination Program®, which allows students to earn college credit hours for the knowledge they already have. With CLEP, high school students are able to earn college hours before ever setting foot on a university campus.

Why high school students are turning to CLEP:

It’s all about the money:- In today’s economic recession, it is more important than ever to have an eye on the bottom line. Many families have less money than originally planned to put towards their children’s college expenses. The cost of a CLEP exam is hundreds of dollars less than actually attending class to gain credit. CLEP exams cost a mere $72! Before parents pay out a huge tuition bill, their high school student can show them how serious they are about their education for a very low fee

And time is money:- If you have gained knowledge from prior course work, independent study, or any other life experience, that knowledge should count for something. With CLEP, it does. With each CLEP exam, you are capable of earning from3 to 12 college credits! Normal college courses are worth 3 credit hours. Imagine earning the equivalency of FOUR college classes with ONE exam. Twelve hours is a full load for one semester! You can complete ONE SEMESTER’s worth of course work in the time it takes you to finish one of the 34 CLEP exams.

Skip the boring stuff:- Everyone knows that introductory courses lay the groundwork for in-depth study in the future. Everyone also knows they are pretty boring if the information is not new! If you already possess the knowledge taught in entry level college courses, you are going to be bored out of your mind! If you followed the straight and narrow by listening to your guidance counselors in high school, you are probably prepared to take any number of the exams offered by CLEP. Skip all of that and dig right into what you WANT to study by getting the credit for introductory courses using a CLEP test.

What are high school students taking?

CLEP for English:- Year after year of analyzing literature, editing texts, and practicing composition pay off at last by taking advantage of the CLEP opportunities in Composition and Literature, American Literature, Literature Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, English Composition, English Literature, Freshman College Composition, and Humanities.

CLEP for Foreign Languages:- Parlez-vous? Yes you do! You can fulfill your entire foreign language requirement (6 hours) by signing up to CLEP French, Spanish, or German.

CLEP for Science and Math:- You asked your teachers a thousand times what good advanced mathematics would do you in the future, and now you know. Avoid some of those same math and science classes in college by making the decision to CLEP Biology, Calculus, Precalculus, College Mathematics, College Algebra, and Natural Sciences.

CLEP for History:- From American History, to World Civilizations, you can CLEP it and avoid sitting through courses you would rather avoid.

CLEP for Business:- The newest CLEP exams available, you may now use these to substitute courses such as Financial Accounting, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, and Introductory Business Law.

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