Libraries losing sales or gaining sales

Libraries Losing Sales or Gaining Sales ?

Libraries are the major source and market for the sales of books. Libraries have a collection of book topics published by various authors and therefore they are regarded as the store house of knowledge. Books on art, literature, politics, history, science etc. can be found in the libraries. A student can get knowledge about how to write an essay, project presentation techniques, information of different subject matter, etc. from the libraries.

The introduction of technology and easily accessibility to internet has reduced the importance of libraries in recent time and this is the major reason for the losing sale of libraries in today’s market. Now-a day’s one can get information on any topic on just one click and therefore fewer and fewer people visit libraries these days. The innovation has greatly affected the traditional library activity.

Libraries are the huge place where different subject matters are assembled at different places. In order to get information on a particular topic the readers have to search through various lots and this consumes a lot of time of the readers. In this hectic life when people have to make productive use of their time, libraries can waste the precious time of the readers. However in contrast to this, internet does not demand the readers to move from their place and can comfortably present information on a given topic right in front of the readers.

If a book is in demand it does not allow the readers to reserve the book. This leaves readers with no choice but to use the internet. Also the readers have to immediately jot down the points from the original content which can add extra pressure on the readers. When the readers surf the internet, they do not have to wait for a particular piece of information even if it is in demand.

The libraries work for specific hours in a day and the readers are supposed to collect or gather information within that time limit. This restricts the flexibility of the readers, whereas the internet provides 24/7 service to the readers and they do not have to wait for a particular time to get the information. Also the readers do not have to alter their daily schedule to receive the information.

In order to access the library, the readers have to pay monthly membership fees. Contrary to this, the internet provides free service and this helps the readers to save thousands of dollars which may not be possible otherwise.

Group discussion and group projects about a particular topic are not possible within the libraries whereas the personal computer allows the readers to sit with companions and openly discuss on a particular topic.

The most important academic task is essay writing and the guidelines on how to write an essay can be easily and quickly found by the students on the internet than in the library.

Essay writing , how to write an essay = Keywords

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