Internet financial guidance

Internet Financial Guidance

Nowadays more and more people use the Internet to answer on all questions in their lives. Financial questions can be also answered with the help of Internet. According to the researches and results of the study about 95 % of UK citizens use the internet in their everyday life. They are looking for the recommendations, information, studying materials and dating. Besides, half of the internet users are interested in the finance information in the internet. In addition, 23 % of people want to find the information about mortgages. About quarter of people spend about 3 hours a day looking for information concerning the borrowing products.

Majority of the people, who are looking for such information (about 53 % of the responders), visit the websites with the price comparison charts. 46 % of people are interested in the websites which provide the financial recommendations and advice. Third of people will probably ask their friends about the personal loans, credit cards and other borrowing products. Besides, very interesting fact is that one quarter of responders will ask for help of their parents or colleagues.

The specialists in the sphere of loans, banks and mortgages affirm that with the advent of internet technologies the people at first surf the internet and visit special websites and after it apply for the receiving of the financial products. There are many websites available but the decision concerning the borrowing products is still very complicated.

It is wonderful that the websites are full of useful information but the consumers have to pay their attention on the fact that individual approach is very important.

According to the study, one half of the consumers will consult first of all the internet guidance and than the official source of information. The second part of the clients prefers to receive the recommendations from the official source.

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