Info for interviewees

Info For Interviewees

1. If you are not able to answer some questions to your satisfaction, you should return to it in the closing statement in case you remember and you have found a better answer. If not, you should do not be afraid to ring up soon afterward to say something like: «I am not sure I explained myself well in the interview. And what I wanted to mention was …» You’ll lose nothing by it. On the contrary, this will demonstrate keenness and remind them about you.

2. When the interview is rouding up, you may be required: «Is there something you want to ask us in terms of the organisation (or company) or the job?» Also, you must be ready for it and have several good questions prepared. When the organisation or company is concerned, you need to ask a question showing interest in your future prospects. For instance: «Where are the development options for the company?» and «What can you say will be any new markets the company wish to enter soon?» and «What are the clue strategic objectives for your organisation very soon?» When the position is concerned, you need to ask questions showing interest and keenness in the future. For example: «What are training options in this position?» and «How is the position likely to grow in the future?» and «What options are there for advancing in the post?»

 3. Besides, you need to show some keenness and enthusiasm for the job. Though calculated the questions and sophisticated the highlighting of the answers, many interviewers make the decision based upon the whole impression and nothing will make a greater impression than a good demeanour.

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