Importance of a daycare learning center with voluntary pre kindergarten or vpk in carrollwood, tampa, 33625

Importance Of A Daycare Learning Center With Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Or Vpk In Carrollwood, Tampa, 33625

Child development experts in Carrollwood, Tampa, 33625 will be unanimous in telling parents of four year old pre school children that the best kind of childcare facility they can choose for their kids would be a daycare learning center that incorporates Voluntary Pre Kindergarten or VPK in its programs. But do you know why it is so important to get a daycare learning center that incorporates Voluntary Pre Kindergarten or VPK in Carrollwood, Tampa, 33625?

In January 2005, the state of Florida signed the free Voluntary Pre Kindergarten or VPK Program into law. From the start, it was designed to be a pre school preparatory phase that will teach four year old children the necessary skills to begin learning language, pre-reading, pre-math and social interaction. The Voluntary Pre Kindergarten concept was founded on the scientific truth that between the ages of four and five, children are undergoing the most crucial developments in brain growth because it is at this period that they first gain the ability to focus their attention and follow directions. These developments were proven to be helped along by a structured process of learning.

It is not surprising, therefore, that children who have been given the best early childhood education programs were found by child development experts to perform much better in school later in life. They were found to have better developed language skills and social skills, higher test scores for school readiness, and less behavioural problems from kindergarten onwards. They end up becoming students who are highly motivated, strong readers and with a lifelong love for learning. They are, therefore, deemed to be most likely to succeed in their fields of endeavour.

The implementation of the Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Program law in Florida cannot be handled by just a single entity. It has, therefore, been distributed among different agencies that lead and supervise school districts, early learning groups and private and public providers of the VPK program. Day to day program management is handled by the Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI); standards, curriculum, and accountability are handled by the Department of Education (DOE); and licenses and credentials are issued by the Department of Children and Families (DCF).

The Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Program is administered in 540 instructional hours during the school year and in 300 instructional hours during the summer. If given within the school year, the law requires that each VPK class should have not more than 18 children. If given during the summer, on the other hand, the law requires a VPK class to have not more than 10 children. In both cases, the ratio should always remain to be one teacher for every 10 students.

To qualify for the Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Program within the school year, teachers should have an associate degree in child development or an associate degree in another field provided they have six hours of credit on child development or early childhood education and 480 hours of experience in child care or education for children up to the age of eight.

To qualify for the Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Program in summer, teachers should have a Florida Educator Certificate or a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in early childhood education, pre-kindergarten or primary education, preschool education, or family and consumer science.

A Brighter Future Child Development and Learning Center is a daycare learning center that incorporates Voluntary Pre Kindergarten or VPK in its preschool programs in Carrollwood, Tampa, 33625. Aside from that, A Brighter Future Child Development and Learning Center is also a Christian facility. It also provides childcare not only to four year old kids but for all kids ranging from 6 weeks to 11 years old. Furthermore, its Voluntary Pre Kindergarten or VPK Program is followed through with after school child development programs designed forK1, K2, K3, and K4 children.

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