How to choose the right texes practice guide

How To Choose The Right TExES Practice Guide

What’s one of the most frequent complaints from previous test takers of the TExES exam? They simply couldn’t find the right TExES practice guide to prepare them for the difficulty of the actual TExES exam! 

As a future certified teacher, you know that learning how to choose the right TExES practice guide comes down to so much more than acing the exam.  The right practice guide will help you to finally gain your Texas teacher certification, not to mention get started on earning a $40,000 a year salary!

In fact, when you think about it, choosing the wrong TExES Practice guide won’t just cheat you out of the money that you spend on the guide; in fact, it’s cheating you out of $40,000.  So how do you choose the right TExES practice guide?  Simple: follow these tips!

Tip One:  Avoid TExES practice test guides that present more “solve for x” problems.  Previous test takers know that the actual TExES MATH exam features more questions that require you to develop and use your own equations.  Additionally, for those taking 4-8 grade TExES math exams, the actual exam loves to test future certified teachers at an 8th grade level.  For instance, one previous TExES test taker reported that there were ten questions on functions alone, with plenty of probability questions and hardly any on geometry whatsoever.  Therefore, choose a TExES practice guide that features more difficult questions, as this accurately reflects the actual exam.

Tip Two:  Find the most recent TExES practice guide possible.  In the publishing world, it can take two to three years to revise, update and release a TExES practice test guide.  By then, the TExES exam can look completely unrecognizable compared to the same test from three years ago!  With this in mind, choose the most recent TExES practice guide possible.  How often should the publisher of a high-quality TExES practice guide update the content?  Look for editions that can be updated within months, as opposed to years.

Tip Three:  The actual TExES exam has been written under the direction of Texas teachers; so why not use a study guide that’s been written by Texas teachers who can help you ace the TExES test?  Avoid TExES practice test guides that have been written by big-name publishers with no teaching experience, and instead choose one that’s been authored primarily by Texas teachers.  Only certified teachers and previous test takers can show you how to outsmart trick questions based on pedagogy and paradigms, exploit and strength test weaknesses and find the best TExES exam practice questions that actually reflect the real content of the test. 

Don’t spend your hard-earned money on yet another TExES practice guide that’s just going to let you down.  After all, it’s time that you were given the tools you need to claim your Texas teacher certificate – along with that fabulous $40,000 yearly salary!  For the best TExES study guides, visit, the ultimate TExES preparation website.

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