How to avoid stressful situations when passing an exam

How to Avoid Stressful Situations when Passing an Exam

Even if a student is adept at some subject, he/she feels worried and nervous before taking an exam. It is natural to get worried and afraid. However, stress and anxiety are very harmful for health of a student. So, a student should understand that an exam is a complex notion and take into account various aspects of it. Reasons of anxiety There are various reasons of stress before and during exams. Here are some of them: • Lack of preparation; • Lack of practice; • Fear of a teacher; • Fear to perform worse than it is expected. As it is clear to see all these reasons can be eliminated when approaching exam preparation seriously. It is obvious that when students are well prepared, they will only want to show their best at the exam. So, it is easy to understand that preparation is a key factor to success. Preparation and practice As they say, practice makes perfect. So, the first objective for any student while preparing for any exam is to revise his/her knowledge of a subject. There are a lot of techniques of how to do it perfectly but the following steps are the most important: • Do not be afraid to consult a teacher. If a student finds some points very tough, it is possible to ask a teacher for help. • Do not rely only on the notes that have been taken in class. A student has always to read some additional materials and study books. So, combine notes and reliable books and make the best of them. • Do make a plan of preparation. Having a strict plan makes a student more concentrated on studying and preparation. • Start with difficult questions. It is easier to revise a material that is not new and not very difficult. Tough questions demand more attention. • And the last but not the least do not panic or give up. Follow these rules and stressful situations will never occur.

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