Grants and scholarships from obama’s «moms return to school» program

Grants and Scholarships from Obama’s «Moms Return to School» Program

President Barack Obama’s administration is committed to helping moms return to school. You may not be aware of this ‘Moms Return to School’ push, but it may just be what you are looking for to help you finish up that college degree.

Even though many people are being laid-off at the present, the economy will rebound. When this happens you want to be prepared to seek a better job. What better way to make this happen than to be able to write college graduate on your application?

Specifically designed for low-income students, the Federal Pell Grant is now offering up to $5,100.00 in financial aid. For low-income single moms, this is a great way to begin your college financing. Some say that this may even increase in the near future.

Once you have chosen the college and program that you desire, simply fill out a form called the FAFSA and submit it. It won’t take long to find out if you have been awarded the money. If the process seems confusing, schools have specific offices that can help you.

There is also a tax advantage for enrolling in school. Through the American Opportunity Tax Credit, you can deduct the first $4,000.00 of your education. Now, that is another great bonus!

If you would prefer to do your learning and studying online, all of this money can be used for many of the online degree schools. The advantage to this type of program is that you will still be there to care for your children and you can study when you are able.

There are many other opportunities available to moms who want to study. Do a search and find as many as you can. Before you know it, you will be on the path to higher learning.

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